Hello Readers!
cover_jaguar_newsletter 3     Hard to believe that our wonderful summer has cut and run on us!  Well, fall is here and it's a good thing -- I love the weather and its long cycles.  Yes, even here in San Diego County we have real weather.  A great thunderstorm struck (briefly) last week, and more on the way.
     Here, as promised, is the cover art for the new novel, The Jaguar.  It will be coming out on January 10, 2012, so keep an eye out for it.  As I told you, this is a real adventure tale, about an American pop diva who is kidnapped by a cartel drug lord.  And the million dollars ransom he demands for her safe return is only the beginning of what he really wants...
     So, trying to capture this on the cover was a tall order.  My publishers and I went around and around on it, making adjustments and trying new ideas.  Finally this was our best and final.  I like it.  I like what it doesn't try to say.  I like the mystery of the jungle in the background and the sort of loaded hush that it evokes.  It's quite a departure from The Border Lords cover.  We were trying to suggest that my books aren't all action and guns and violence.  You who read me know better, but what about those book readers out there who haven't?  What do you think of this new cover look?
     The Jaguar is about music, and some musician friends of mine have written a wonderful song that appears in the story.  It's called "City of Gold”.  We'll be going into the studio sometime soon to record it.

     In the mean time, why not pre-order your copies of The Jaguar!  Choose your favorite online bookstore and order yours now:  Amazon.Com, Barnes & Noble, or Indie Bound.

Hasta pronto y buena suerte!
T. Jefferson Parker

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  Copyright 2010 T Jefferson Parker